Performance investigation of an eight cylinder gasoline engine
Kılıçarslan, A.,Qatu, M. S. (2014). Performance investigation of an eight cylinder gasoline engine. In ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE).Özet
Performance investigation of a Chevrolet 5.7, eight cylinder gasoline engine is experimentally carried out at laboratuary conditions by means of the special softwares called "NetDyn" and "WinDyn". This experimental work is intended to make contribution to the researchers that experimentally analyze the parameters of gasoline engines with the engine speed in detail. During the experiments, the engine speed is changed from 2500 rpm to 5250 rpm with 250 rpm intervals and steptime for succesive speeds is kept constant as 10 s. Engine power, engine torque, fuel and air flowrates per kW, mechanical efficiency, oil temperature and pressure, break mean effective pressure and exhaust temperatures are measured as a function of engine speed. As the engine speed was increased, it was observed that the air mass flow rate, exhaust and oil temperatures increased while the break mean effective pressure, mechanical volumetric efficiency, and engine torque decreased. Engine power increased between the engine speeds of 2500 rpm and 3750, but it decreased between the speeds of 3750 rpm 5246 rpm. Copyright © 2014 by ASME.
ASME International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Proceedings (IMECE)Cilt
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