Current practice of emergency radiology in Turkey and future expectations: a survey study
Tunçyürek, Ö., Onur, M. R., Ertekin, E., & Çallı, C. (2023). Current practice of emergency radiology in Turkey and future expectations: a survey study. Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology, 29(2), 300.Özet
PURPOSE The development of emergency radiology (ER) in Turkey has accelerated with the increase in the number of patients admitted to emergency departments. We aimed to present and discuss the responses to a survey distributed to radiologists in Turkey, which included questions about the current practice of ER and future expectations. METHODS A survey with 29 questions enquiring about the infrastructure of respondents’ hospitals and radiology units, information about emergency services and ER (including patient volume), the number of staff and equipment, the ER working plan and reporting method, and training in the field of ER were distributed to members of the Turkish Radiological Society by email. RESULTS The response rate was 21.97% (328/1.493). The presence of distinct ER units in radiology departments was confirmed by 40.55% of respondents, while for 34.25%, ER was located inside the emergency room. Of the respondents, 26.96% stated they believed that emergency cases should be reported by emergency radiologists, and the necessity for an ER subunit in the emergency room was agreed upon by 58.64% of contributors. The majority of respondents (69.54%) agreed with the opinion that residents should receive their ER training in an ER unit. CONCLUSION Keeping abreast of current ER practices and radiologists’ expectations may be helpful for improving national ER practices and academic studies.