dc.description.abstract | The main aim of this study is to compare Kutadgu Bilig and Siyasetname, both of which have the feature of political treatise in the Islamic Philosophy and make their comparison from political ans ethical aspects; thus to understand their significance in the Islamic Philosophy. The Works are to be scrutunized from the aspects of how political and philosophical thoughts affected one another theoratically as well as practically in that period and the thoughts arising from such an interaction. The content of the thesis includes the views and concepts on the ethical and political subjects in Kutadgu Bilig and Siyasetname and the utterences on the similarities and differences among these concepts. In addition, the basic concepts on the subjects of politics and ethics in these two Works and the basic ideas underlying them determines the basis of this study. We’ll analyze these Works comparingly. We built our study on three chapters. In the login chapter, a general informing on the ethics, politics and ethics-politics relations are to be mentined to set the conceptual basis of the study. In the first chapter, a brief information about the lives and Works of Yusuf Has Hacip and Nizamülmülk, the writers of the Works to be analyzed is to be shared. In the second chapter, how the thoughts of ethics and politics are approached is to be analyzed and then, in the third chapter, the Works are to be compared in the context of the history of Islamic Philosophy. In the conclusion part, how these two Works are sigificant from the aspects of forming political authority ans political ethics, their place on getting the true knowledge and true practice/good deed so the happiness in the context of the History of Islamic Philosophy and Philosophy of Ethics are to be stated. | en_US |
dc.description.tableofcontents | İÇİNDEKİLER -- ÖZET, i -- ABSTRACT, ii -- İÇİNDEKİLER, iii -- KISALTMALAR, vi -- ÖNSÖZ, vii -- GİRİŞ, 1 -- 1. KAVRAMSAL TEMELLENDİRME, 3 -- 1.1. Ahlak, 3 -- 1.2. Siyaset, 6 -- 1.3. Ahlak Siyaset İlişkisi, 9 -- I. BÖLÜM: ‘‘KUTADGU BİLİG’’ VE ‘‘SİYASETNAME’’, 11 -- 1. YUSUF HAS HACİB VE ESERİ KUTADGU BİLİG, 11 -- 1.1. Yusuf Has Hacib’in Hayatı, 11 -- 1.2. Yusuf Has Hacib’in ‘‘Kutadgu Bilig’’ adlı Eseri, 13 -- 2. NİZAMÜLMÜLK VE ESERİ SİYASETNAME, 20 -- 2. 1. Nizamülmülk’ün Hayatı, 20 -- 2.2.Nizamülmülk’ün ‘‘Siyasetname’’ adlı Eseri, 24 -- II. BÖLÜM: KUTADGU BİLİG VE SİYASETNAMEDE AHLAK VE -- SİYASET TASAVVURU, 28 -- 1.KUTADGU BİLİG’DE AHLAK SİYASET İLİŞKİSİ, 28 -- 1.1. Töre, Siyaset İlişkisi, 28 -- 1.1.1.Hâkimiyet Tasavvuru, 29 -- 1.1.2. Siyasi Otoritenin Meşruiyeti, 29 -- 1.1.3. Yönetim Şekli, 33 --öneten Yönetilen ilişkisi, 34 -- Düzenindeki Siyasal Yapı, 39 -- 1.2. İyilik, Doğruluk ve Kut-Mutluluk Anlayışı, 65 -- 1.2.1. İyilik Anlayışı, 66 -- 1.2.2. Doğruluk Anlayışı, 78 -- 1.2.3. Kut-Mutluluk Anlayışı, 84 -- 1.3. Akıl ve Bilgi Sahibi Olma, 89 -- 1.4. Nefs Terbiyesi-Gönül (Akıbet) ilişkisi, 104 -- 2. SİYASETNAME’DE AHLAK SİYASET İLİŞKİSİ, 111 -- 2.1. Adalet-Siyaset İlişkisi, 112 -- 2.1.1. Hâkimiyet Tasavvuru, 117 -- 2.1.2. Siyasi Otoritenin Meşruiyeti, 118 -- 2.1.3. Yönetim Şekli, 120 -- Yöneten- Yönetilen İlişkisi, 121 -- Devlet Düzenindeki Siyasal Yapı, 122 -- 2.2. İyilik, Doğruluk ve Mutluluk Anlayışı, 152 -- 2.3. Akıl ve Bilgi Sahibi Olma, 158 -- 2.4. Nefs Terbiyesi, 160 -- III. BÖLÜM: KUTADGU BİLİG VE SİYASETNAME’NİN AHLAKİ -- VE SİYASİ AÇILARDAN KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI, 165 -- 1. KUTADGU BİLİG VE SİYASETNAMEDE AHLAK VE SİYASETE DAİR -- BENZER GÖRÜŞLER, 165 -- 2. KUTADGU BİLİG VE SİYASETNAMEDE AHLAK VE SİYASETE DAİR -- FARKLI GÖRÜŞLER, 192 -- SONUÇ, 199 -- KAYNAKÇA, 202 | en_US |